Sunday 1 April 2012

What Day?

It isn't easy to schedule training for a Karate Club.

Weeks have 7 days, but it isn't as simple as that. Certain days and times just don't draw the crowds.

I've trained on Sundays as part of a big Karate Club. A small core of folks loves it and show up frequently. Most of the group just never attends Sunday. Sundays have to be counted out as a primary training day.

Friday is much the same. A small core finds it great, but most don't

That leaves the other 4 evenings, and Saturday.

The original club I started in had regular Saturday morning classes. I was part of that group for a decade. I've also known other clubs with Saturday sessions. It works well.

Right now, my personal timetable is a little tight.

I am busy two evenings a week, and Saturday mornings, and as I'm the Karate Club's Sensei that matters.

We are trying a Saturday afternoon class. So far it's working. We also train Monday evening.

Only Wednesdays remain open on my dance card. If our club flourishes, we'll likely get a Wednesday evening session going, too.

But is this fair to the club members? An instructor always has to be present, and there is only one of me. Can I really commit to being there?

I know I can't commit to July or August, so have already made it clear the club shuts down in those months.

I will become inconsistent once my wife and I retire. We want to travel.

By the time that happens, the Karate Club should have a healthy crop of Brown Belts. That is a fine rank for assistant instructors. If Helen and I take off to Europe for a month there would be no problem leaving a Brown Belt in charge for a while. A year after that they will be Black Belts and the problem is totally solved.

You see, I've been thinking. This new club is not being started all willy-nilly.

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