Thursday 5 April 2012


There is one thing missing from low-level Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. The White Belts never roll.

Roll is the term used to denote two people sparring. Nothing is pre-determined. Each person tries to apply techniques on the other. It is friendly enough, but if you are not careful you'll end up in a joint lock or a choke. When this happens you tap and start over.

Rolling let's you know how you're doing when things get become a little more real.

Today there were 7 Blue Belts present at the White Belt class. We did our normal training, but the instructor saved a bit of time at the end of the session. He then paired us off with the Blue Belts. We then rolled.

We were with our partners for two minutes, and then switched. I got partnered with the instructor, a big guy named Corey, and Madeline. I was the odd man out once and was responsible for watching the time. During the timing I got to watch people grappling. I saw most of the White Belts getting repeatedly caught in armbars and chokes.

We could do what we wanted, which means mostly what we have trained in. The Blue Belts used all of that, plus the stuff they learn in the advanced classes. They often roll in the advanced class. We never do.

It was fun.

I certainly never successfully applied a submission on any of my Blue partners, but am pleased they didn't get me either.

The first thing new Blue Belts learn in the advanced class is how to counter everything they learned as White Belts. This put us at quite a disadvantage.

I also noticed that a lot of the White Belts sort of froze and couldn't figure out what to do. This didn't happen to me. Some also seemed to burn ten times more energy than they should. Nerves, I suppose. I didn't do that either as it is a lesson I learned in wrestling.

I think I did OK.

I look forward to doing it again sometime.

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