Friday 20 April 2012


My new Karate club is a different one for me.

First I should say, whenever I've run a club before the priority was always searching out new students. Newspaper ads, posters and that sort of thing.

With the new club there was no advertising. I knew that three people wanted to train with me. I notified a total of 5 people about the new club, and ended up with 4 students.

For the spring, that was enough.

Now I've been contacted by a former student who wants join and to bring her two teen daughters along.

That could mean a new total of 7 students. I would have been content with the original three.

I consider this a smashing success. September is usually the main time for students to join up. I don't know why, but it's true.

In the size of hall we are renting, a dozen students would be a full house. That is also a really good number for providing individualized instruction.

If we have four to seven people now it will be easy to reach a dozen in September.

It has been very easy so far.

I credit Facebook.

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