Saturday 21 April 2012

One down

It's official now. My Jiu-Jitsu Blue Belt exam has begun.

There were four White Belts at the Saturday class. This included myself, and the two guys next farthest in their training.

The instructor announced that we were starting the test drills and videoing them. The 4th guy isn't close to testing, but he got to go along for the ride.

We spent about half an hour going over the test segment we were doing out of the five. It was the "standing technique" part.

Then the testing started. I went first. A mistake right off the bat, so we restarted. The instructor said it looked good.

Then the other two guys took their turns. Both also had to restart at least once, but looked pretty good.

The instructor will look over the recordings with an eagle eye in the next few years and decide if they need to be redone. If not, we are all 1/5 done our exam.

Four parts left to go.

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