Friday 27 April 2012

Hot Stuff

Today the temperature outside was 11 degrees Celsius. I used to be able to change the thermostat in my classroom, but now it's locked at 22.

When I got to work at about 7:30 this morning, the room was already over 23.

I opened the only two tiny opening windows, and propped fans into the opening.

This happens every year at about this time. The entire second floor at my school cooks, my room in particular.

Even with the fans, and it only being 11 degrees out, my room hit 25 degrees by the end of the day. In Fahrenheit that sentence would read 52 degrees out, and my room getting to 77.

Can you imagine what happens when it actually gets hot out? Last year I think it topped out a bit above 30 degrees (86 Fahrenheit).

Schools in places that get that hot tend to have air conditioning to keep the heat away from school kids trying to learn. We don't.

Attempts have been made to fix the situation, but nothing has changed.

I wear shorts and a t-shirt to work and pretend I'm in Miami or Vegas. Kids coming from normal temperatures in the rest of the school simply melt in my room. I feel for them. How can they concentrate?

Lucky me. I'm in there for every class, and only get out at lunchtime.

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