Sunday 29 April 2012

Tests and Jaw

Yesterday started well, got even better, and then ended weird.

At the morning Jiu-Jitsu class, two of us recorded our second test section, and Dan re-did his first. Even if mine gets rejected for too many mistakes, it was wonderful training.

In the afternoon, I was in the opposite role. I was the examiner, not the candidate. Three members of the Karate club were testing for their next belt. I tried to make it all seem formal and serious without being overly intimidating. Don't know how well that went, but all three passed easily.

A fabulous day.

About 7pm I had a nap attack me in my chair. I really enjoy these on the weekend and just go with the flow. Awake again in about 30 minutes, with a sore jaw.

I've been punched quite a few times over the years, and it felt very similar. The problem is, nobody had hit me. Before the nap, I was fine, afterwards not. I can't imagine my wife clocked me without my waking up.

The only explanation is that I had suffered one of those mysterious old person injuries. You know, "hurt my back sitting in a deck chair," or, "wrenched my hip last night in bed." I hate any version of this type of thing. It's Father Time pointing a finger and laughing hysterically.

Would it go away? Would it get worse?

I woke up this morning feeling better, and started thinking about any mistakes I might have made during my test the previous day. An insignificant detail surfaced.

While practising, Dan's knee whacked me in the chin. That was it. No mystery. Like many bumps, the soreness took a while to show up. It wasn't an old guy thing at all.

It was a kneed in the face kinda thing.

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