Thursday 1 December 2011


Today Facebook let me have a message it's been hiding in a weird spot for two weeks. It was from one of my Karate students from back in the 1990s. He was a kid back then.

He wants to establish contact, so I immediately shot him a friend request.

In his message he said the nicest things, including, "
You were a huge part of my life growing up and partly the reason I am so successful today." How complimentary is that?

Martial Arts instructors play an unusual roll. More than any other activity, they become role models and mentors to their students. Think of Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi from the original Karate Kid movies. It's a pretty accurate depiction.

I have felt that way towards my own Senseis, and I was an adult. The influence is greater on kids.

This can be good, or bad. I have always tried to be a positive, enthusiastic and encouraging presence at the head of the Dojo.

Today's communication made me feel both humble, and honoured.

Maybe I succeeded, at least sometimes.

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