Saturday 10 December 2011

Honour your elders...

It happened again.

There were about 20 Black Belts in my section of the line. I tried to get to my correct position by rank, near the left of the line. Aimed for a few from the low end, but they started stepping aside for me again, and bowing, and indicating I should move to the right of them. OK. Can't make a scene or waste time so I accepted, several times, and ended up in the middle again. Higher belts than me were standing junior to me.

After class it was worse. I started myself even closer to the lower/left end of the line, and after all the bowing and stepping aside I was only a couple of spots from the extreme right. I think it could become an association thing if I don't watch it.

I give up. I'll start closer to where they make me end up.

It's awful sweet of them.

In Japan, seniority/rank is a very tricky thing. Not for the Japanese, but it is for westerners.

The Japanese line up correctly by rank, but individual relationships also matter, as does age. In a way, I am afraid of claiming more status than I am entitled to by rank, but the others are honouring my age, and length of time in Karate.

Or I could confound them all by wearing a coloured belt.

That would fix them.

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