Friday 16 December 2011


Christmas has gotten easier for me over the years. This is a good thing, as I am the world's worst gift shopper.

On my side of the family, the only gifts we get are for my sister and her husband. The rule there is we get each other thrift store gifts , with a maximum $5 value, and gags are fine. My lovely and talented shopper wife, Helen, has handled this to perfection.

On her side of the family, we get something for her brother and his wife, and we chip in for the three kids' gifts. That takes care of the kids, and the two adults are always quite happy getting gift certificate kind of things. Again, my wife organizes all this.

There is only one person I need to get gifts for, and that is Helen. She is one of those near-Christmas-birthday people, so I need two for her.

One is taken care of already, thank goodness. That leaves one gift to find in the coming week. Sounds easy to you? Not to me.

I can wander an entire mega-mall and come away empty handed. My wife can walk into any tiny shop of any kind and find the perfect thing for anyone. I am jealous of her gift at gifts.

Anyhow, I am optimistic. Surely there is something somewhere.

The danger is I'll walk right by with a stunned look in my eyes.

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