Monday 12 December 2011


This week is going unusually well. The last week before a major holiday always almost kills me, but not this time.

It seems like a race, and I normally struggle to reach the finish line. I make it, and then collapse totally spent.

So far I feel fine. I just might make it with juice to spare. That will make a nice change.

And Monday is already over. I have 4 days left, but not really.

Friday afternoon will be my school's annual student talent show. For some reason unknown to me, we still have four classes all smushed into the morning. This makes them all too short to do anything with. Therefore, let's call Friday a non-day, kinda.

So 3 days left.

On both Tuesday and Thursday, I only have three teaching blocks instead of a full day of four. Those days always feel wonderfully brief. They don't feel like work days at all, or at least I tell myself that. That leaves just Wednesday to be a full, grinding work day. Or it would, except I'm losing one class to our career preparation teacher. It will also be a three-block, wonderfully brief day.

So there are four days left, except for Friday, Tuesday, Thursday or Wednesday.

No wonder I'm not dragging myself to the finish line.

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