Sunday 25 December 2011


Christmas has happened.

I was the first one up, which is my norm. Did NOT run, just so I'd be here for the big unwrapping. I'd have felt bad if they'd all have had to wait for my return. Bad Christmas form.

After all that, it was over to mom's care home to be with her, and my sister and Al. Helen played a bit on her newest weird instrument. It was all lovely, and just a little sad.

Back to Oliver and Jen's for turkey cooked on the BBQ. Eight of us chowed well and fully.

Now the kids are quietly playing with loot. Helen is gently making music. Jen is resting in a corner. I am blogging.

My kilometer goal is only 9 down. Pretty sure I'll attack it early tomorrow, even though my belly is in no condition for activity.

I wouldn't even mind if it started to snow.

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