Thursday 15 December 2011


It sounds as if the more advanced Saturday Jiu-Jitsu class might be moving to Fridays. This would mean a double conflict for me.

Point one; Helen needs the car on Fridays. As we are getting a new car soon this likely won’t be an issue. If it is, it would only be temporary.

The other conflict will be with the Sunshine Coast Shotokan Karate Club, which trains twice a week. I’ve already given up the Tuesday class to attend Jiu-Jitsu. The remaining session that I attend is on Fridays. That one will go, too.

This is unfortunate, as I enjoy the Karate classes. However, I am not progressing there in any way, so losing them altogether will not be a real hardship.

It will also act as a kick in the butt to get me working on a project/idea I’ve been thinking about.

We have a truly excellent 5th Dan in our community. He works evenings and so cannot attend any night sessions. He also has no interest in joining the ISKF that our club is part of.

If I start a class on the weekend, I might be able to get Ogawa Sensei to come.

I would have to keep it outside of the ISKF, which means not linked to our club. There is a danger here of stepping on toes with the club’s instructor. I hope she’ll understand. She may forbid her students from attending.

I would want it to be a non-formal atmosphere. Well, as non-formal as Karate gets. It would be open to any who wish to attend. I would like to invite the Karate Club’s people, and also the nearby Shitu-Ryu club. I’d try and get my long-ago students to come, and even beginners would be welcome. Not really a class, but a training-together.

I currently pay $45 a month to be part of our Karate Club. If I can’t attend at all, that money could cover almost half what a small location’s rental would be. Would have to charge a small fee to people attending.

If it becomes necessary to run it as a real, separate club real fees will be necessary. To help low belts progress if they are not already part of another club we’d have to have at least one evening class a week. I could teach that. We’d also have to face the hurdle of membership in an association Ogawa Sensei would accept.

Luckily, the Karate Club meets north of town, and Ogawa Sensei lives south of town. If I could get space near his home we’d be physically located 10km from them. For something like this, a little distance might be good.

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