Friday 16 December 2011


2011 is definitely winding down.

ISKF Karate ended for me three weeks ago. JKA Karate wound up last Saturday. My last Jiu-Jitsu class of the year was last night, and today is my last bike ride to work.

I haven't been running, and that will start soon to keep me active in lieu of all my usual stuff.

What can I look forward to in 2012, activity-wise?

Back on my bike, of course. In a few months I can start my final work year. That will be cool. As each day passes, I will not be working that date ever again.

In Jiu-Jitsu, I'll be progressing to the more advanced class soon. I am also look ahead at my Blue Belt exam. Passing that will gain me access to 3 more classes per week. Around here, the Blue Belts are the big shots.

I'll continue to train in Karate. The National Championship is being held at BCIT in the middle of March, and I'm going to go watch. Sakurai Sensei will be back once or twice, and there's a chance of a huge big shot instructor coming around April. I'd rather have another Sakurai Seminar, but what can you do?

I'll run when it fits in. Likely this will turn into once per weeks through the school year. In the summer it will be more.

When we visit Victoria in the summer, I'm off to train at the Victoria Judo Club. It's convenient, and I've wanted to try it for a long time. There is also a swell Karate club on alternating nights at UVic that I'm welcome at.

Should be a good year.

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