Wednesday 8 June 2011


Been back training for about half a year now.

I've done tons of low-level Katas in class time.

Working on Kata in class is not the same as performing one.

I usually go early, so I can spend time working on high-level Katas. It is not the same as performing them.

Performing means full feeling, and full power, full intensity, and full speed.

Last night, we were working on low Katas. Sensei was assigning different level groups which to train on. She asked the group I was standing next to which they wanted to do. I answered for them, "Sochin," as a joke.

Sochin is a very high level Kata.

She called me on it and said, "Sure, do Sochin."

I strode out, announced my Kata, and performed it. The class watched.

Half of them had never seen a high Kata done with full force by a Black Belt.

Now they have.

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