Friday 3 June 2011

Happy Friday

Well, our seminar is over. It was another good one.

I try really hard to catch all the testable stuff he mentions. He is the examiner, after all.

Let's see. Heian Nidan move 7 sequence. He taught part step up to center of balance before kicking. Heian Sandan move 11. The stand up is unitary.

His Bassai Dai is a lot different from mine. I think I can remember most of his version.

Several times he mentioned people's body strikes being off target. I guess we should do something about that. Foot position in front kick was also a small issue.

Lots of technical stuff to polish. Nothing critical.

I got stuck at the examiner's table again, with nothing to do. Oh, well.

We did have the tests all filmed. That should be interesting.

There were five people testing. Three White Belts all earned their Yellows. One Green turned into a Blue Belt. The only Yellow testing for Orange, passed clear through Orange and was awarded the next colour up. He's now a very surprised and happy Green Belt.

Last time we were six for six. This time we're six for five. That is over a 100% pass rate. Our coloured belts are sparkling.

Now we can settle down until the end of June, seminar wise.

As interesting as seminar's are, I actually prefer ordinary training.


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