Friday 24 June 2011


What is pain?

It isn't really very much. It is supposed to be a signal from a part of your body that something isn't right. I don't know why it has to hurt so much.

When some people feel pain they shut down. That's what I do if I interpret what I'm feeling to mean something is being damaged. If my knee hurts while I'm running, I stop immediately.

But what about that kind of pain that doesn't mean something is being damaged?

Take a punch in the ribs. It can hurt. If it means there is damage, I'll stop right away. It can only make things worse to continue. But it can also hurt when it doesn't mean anything. It can hurt a great deal and still mean nothing.

Should I stop, and nurse a meaningless injury? It isn't an injury at all. It's just discomfort.

Sometimes I'm not tough enough, and the amount of pain I'm feeling is debilitating in itself. Have to stop then, too. This is quite rare.

How about real fighting with a life at stake, and you experience pain. Do you crumple, or stop fighting, or even show that it hurts? Any of those could earn you even more serious injury, or death. You have to continue, and show nothing.

This needs to be practiced. It isn't an easy thing to do.

Little things help. Like a Sensei that insists that you show nothing if an exercise hurts. Push ups on one's knuckles hurt, but don't damage anybody who has finished growing. Do them anyway. Ignore the discomfort if you can, but even if you can't, you do not show it. Showing it doesn't help. Smile while doing them. Practice.

Treat a meaningless hit during training as if you felt nothing. No wincing, or groaning, or pained expressions. Ignore it if you can, but even if you can't you must not show it.

If it could be an injury, stop. No need to be an idiot about this stuff.

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