Tuesday 21 June 2011

Busted bike

It isn't easy having no bike. Helen and I are now sharing our single car. It is a great car, a red Prius.

It isn't the car that is the problem, it's the scheduling.

Today I dropped Helen at her school, then went to mine. I needed it to get the bike to the repair shop, an hour of driving away. Helen bummed a ride after school to the union office for a meeting, and I swung by to pick her up after my bike repair run. Then I dropped her at her music group, and went home. I waited for her to phone for a pickup, but she got a ride home with a friend. That was just today.

If it was just work, it would be fine.

Tomorrow there is work, and then she has an eye appointment, and won't be able to drive afterwards (eye drops). After getting home, I have Karate from 6:30 to 8:00.

Thursday, I have a dentist appointment.

Friday we both have activities in the evening, music and Karate.

I am really missing my bike. A car could take its place, but we don't have one.

Next week will be better. My work no longer has a strict timetable, so I can get dropped off in the mornings, and walk home afterwards. Or I could run. That could be fun. My only after work activity will be a single Tuesday Karate class. Helen can have the car at work everyday, and for music the other evenings.

I want my bike back.

I almost don't care what the repair costs.

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