Saturday 4 June 2011


There was a one hour class with Dixon Sensei this morning before he had to run for the ferry.

Most of it was doing bunkai from the first few Katas. Bunkai means application, which is how you use Kata moves in real combat.

It was fun. I've done this stuff before, but not in many years. Most of our club members never have.

The group was four Black Belts, and one each of brand new Blue, Green, and Yellow Belts. The coloured belts were so pumped that they want us all to meet early on training nights to keep working on bunkai. I'm always at class long before anybody else, so I said sure.

It is always great when something lights a fire under a bunch of Karate people. I don't know if it was the actual training, or the belt promotions, or it might have been the glorious sun beaming down on us.

I look forward to summer training, and even to the upcoming fall term. September is traditionally the best month for recruiting new members. I could imagine us getting ten new people, if not more.

New people would find themselves in a functioning and mature club. Tons of senior people to help them learn the ropes.

Time to go now, and see if I can apply Karate technique to a run in the sun.

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