Tuesday 28 June 2011


I taught tonight's Karate class. This is nothing new. I've been doing it off and on since 1983. For this club's first couple of months, I was the regular instructor.

Since then, that duty has devolved on another. She's been doing a fine job, but couldn't be there tonight.

Of the six students present tonight, three were students when I was the teacher, and three are newer and have never seen me in that role.

I chose not to take things off on any funny tangent, but also didn't stick to what we always do.

In the warmup, and cool down, we did isometrics and plyometrics. They all seemed to understand, and did very well.

In class, did it just a little different. Corrected one foot and one arm thing for them as a group.

Tortured them in Kata, having them do Heian Shodan the wrong way (left to right). Before they got any good at that, had them do it from last move until the first. They got real lost doing that. Also had them do their Kata with their eyes shut.

Explained how the Sempai Kohai thing works in Japan.

I think it went well, and it probably felt fresh.

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