Sunday 8 May 2011


I love this time of year.

There are only 6 weeks of classes left. Few enough, but I so like playing games with even such a short time.

How about this? There are only 5 weekends between now and the end of classes. On one of them, Helen and I will be away, so that’s really only 4 weekends left.

Must not forget that one of those weeks has Victoria Day in it. I love Victoria Day. For many years in the city of Victoria, residents would dress up in period costume. This has faded to nothing, and never spread to other areas. I love this, and it has left a cozy spot inside me for the day off in May.

It is expected that I will ride to school on every one of the remaining days. I only have 300 km left to pedal.

Before that last Friday, I plan on running 55 km. I only have to run that far to make the year end. I wonder if I could do that in one day. Probably not.

To fill the remaining time, I have 16 Karate classes to attend. We have a 4th Dan dropping by in May to tell us how spiffy we are.

My new computer is supposed to arrive this week. I didn’t want to have to buy it, but now that it’s coming I should be happy. It is a step up, and shiny. Shiny is good.

I love Lego games on the Wii. The new one is Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. It will ship on May 10th, and I have a copy pre-ordered.

Every day, the temperature is squeaking up. The rainy season is abating. Every day, twilight comes a few minutes later. Long evenings make me euphonic.

After the last day comes, there are still nine work days left. Tons of final exams, provincial exams, meetings, report cards, and cleanup. Somehow, it is different enough from teaching as to seem a fresh role. I love teaching, but I love the pace change of late June. There is time to talk to peers, and time enough to actually think about what we are doing.

Sometimes it’s good to think.

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