Friday 27 May 2011


Bedard Sensei was here tonight.

It was darn near perfect. Nothing new or revolutionary, but lots of stuff we haven't been doing. There is so much.

For example, he did the warm up stretching differently. Maybe Bolognese Sensei will adopt some of them, maybe not. What is good is that she might. Stability is good, but so is change.

He also explained the same old stuff in slightly different ways. Yes. Fabulous.

He also acted as outside eyeballs, and corrected us as a group on some common weaknesses.

This is what a seminar is supposed to do.

He also seemed really happy to be with us. 4th Dans don't do many seminars, so it was likely a treat for him, too. Higher belts sometimes exhibit evidence that they are going through the motions. None of that tonight.

And it was fun that he beat up Wade so much.

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