Sunday 1 January 2012


I am about to start another year of biking to work, but there is a small problem.

My dandy, electric bike will need a general servicing pretty soon. A couple of the gears aren't there, and there is a sticky sound in the rear hub. Nothing unusual, but soon it must spend a few days in the shop.

When this happens, I have to alter my method of transport. I can get a ride from Helen in our car. This works but lacks flexibility, and it lacks exercise.

Method two is to walk, which is much too slow.

Method three is to use Helen's dandy electric bike. The problem here is that it is sized to fit her. Riding any kind of hilly distance on an uncomfortably small bike is not very pleasant and can lead to scrunched hips or backs.

Method four is to use Helen's new, non-electric folding bike. For some reason known only to the bicycle gods, this bike fits Helen and yet doesn't scrunch me. However, the hill at my school is a killer, and I don't honestly know if I can ride a normal bike up its slope.

Method five is to get the folding bike I was planning on purchasing. Sadly, it has all the drawbacks of borrowing Helen's folder back in method four.

Method six is to ride my good, old electric until we pick up our new car. The new, baby-sized auto is supposed to arrive in about a month. The only drawback here is that it means I have to make my bike go a month before I get it serviced. She will probably make it just fine, and if she doesn't I can go back to any of the other options.

It's good to have options.

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