Monday 23 January 2012

Black Belt in Spreadsheets

My typical week of martial arts includes 4.5 hours of training.

In the first two weeks of January, I was short of that goal, and the third week I was over. This coming week I'll be over again.

Only one week in three has been typical. I do vastly over think and plan things like bike and run mileage, and martial arts training.

It may seem very rigid, but it never is. I figure it all out ahead of time, shoot for goals, and adjust for all the wee alterations.

I've even figured out how long it will take to get a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt. If I never miss a class, it should take little over 10 years. If I gave up my life, moved to California and became a full time student, it would take 3 1/2 years.

I love spreadsheets. I used one to figure out the first figure. It then took only seconds to figure out the second.

Let's do it again with training being at home, but with one month off per year to travel and such and to be injured or sick. It's... eleven years even...

With any set of conditions these numbers make it very clear that Gracie Black Belts are hard to get.

I'll soon be a Blue Belt, that's certain. I'll get to Purple in 3 or 4 years if my body holds out. Brown is a possibility in the hazy distance. Black? A long shot very, very far off.

We shall see.

The good part is that I don't need a Jiu-Jitsu grading in order to get a Black Belt. I've already got one.

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