Saturday 21 January 2012


Today was my first Reflex Development class at Jiu-Jitsu. I've had to complete months of "regular" classes in order to qualify.

They are held fairly early on Saturday mornings.

There are about half a dozen Blue Belt students and half that many White Belts permitted to attend. Today that number increased by two.

The other adult male White Belt was attending his first Reflex Development class, too. So who else was there besides us two first-timers?

There were two other students. One Blue and one White. What the heck is with that? That's less than 25% of those qualified to attend, not counting us rookies.

Anyhow, Michael and I were the new guys. It was smart of the instructor to have two of us start at once. We doubled the class's size.

Compared to the evening sessions, the pace is greatly intensified. It is also far less step-by-step. It was fun.

Afterwards, we were invited to stick around to watch some testing.

The exams are videoed and sent away to headquarters. There they are evaluated and graded. Today one of the Blue Belts needed to tape one of the six test parts necessary to earn a mighty stripe on his belt. That was very interesting to watch.

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