Sunday 1 January 2012

Less miles

It's January 1st, and I didn't do the Polar Bear Swim. I ran instead. First day of the year and first run of the year. I went 10.58km, give or take a meter.

I like to keep an ongoing total of my distance each calendar year for both running and biking. It helps to motivate me. In 2011 the total was big enough to take me to Las Vegas....and back.

I doubt my total in 2012 will be as high. The bike miles should be similar, but the running ones less. I don't run as much when my martial arts training is in operation. There are plenty of small bumps and strains that can use the time to heal. Running is not conducive to this.

Soon I'll be doing 3 to 4 Jiu-Jitsu classes a week, and one night at Karate. The club is trying to find a better locale, and if they do they instructor wants to introduce a once-per-week randori class. That could make it 5 per week. Rasslin' every day from Tuesday to Saturday. That leaves only two rest-up days a week. Due to conflict, the weekly Karate class will have to go.

I expect to get my Blue Belt sometime in the first half of the year. That will add 3 more classes, but still leave Sunday and Mondays off. I'll be dropping my once-per-week private lessons permanently at that time. That leaves ONLY 7 classes a week.

But this entry is about running. What that all means is that I won't be running much while at home in Sechelt. I'll still run a little, but short distances and more rarely.

During Summer in Victoria, I'll probably run more. I want to train in Judo and Karate while there, so the running will be not be anything like it was this last summer.

Guess I won't run/bike to Vegas again soon.

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