Tuesday 24 January 2012


Tonight was fun, but kinda hard on the old bod'.

For a change it wasn't cracked toes. All the thrashing around war repeatedly hard on the old neck bone. Not painful, but rather heavy -use wear and tear. Right now I can feel my neck saying, "Hey, old guy, you almost over did it."

Then the hammer fell. In the midst of a high effort event, one of my legs went into a mega cramp. The kind where the entire calf muscle turns into a rock-like spasm. It really, really hurt.

I got the stupid cramp to release quickly, but I can still feel it right now, over an hour later. The muscle is still doing an impersonation of stone. I have a heating pad on it to try and melt the tension away.

Probably everything will be fine by tomorrow, but you never know. Maybe I will have developed a jaunty limp.

I have declared this to be my worst Jiu-Jitsu injury ever.

I've been darn lucky.

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