Saturday 12 May 2012

I love Saturday...

Saturday training is my favourite of the week.

During my first 8 years in Shotokan up North the classes were two hours long, ending at noon. We'd often go for lunch or coffee afterwards.

After moving south, my new club didn't have any weekend classes. Once a month I'd go train at Champlain Heights in Vancouver on good, old Saturdays. That went on for a big part of a decade.

When a club started here, we had Saturday training for a while. It never really caught on, and was cut for financial reasons.

Now I have a new Karate class, and teach a class in the latter part of Saturday afternoon. It's nice to be punching and kicking regularly on the weekend again.

Even more than our new Saturday Karate class, I enjoy having Jiu-Jitsu Saturday morning. The class is only an hour long, and is done by 10am. The day is barely dented. It's like time magically created from nothing. When I get my Blue Belt, I'll be able to stay for a second, advanced hour.

It's funny who manages to get themselves to the Saturday class. It is for the advanced White Belts. There are about ten of us permitted to attend. I am almost always there. Dan makes about half of the classes, and Cody a bit less than that. A couple of other folks have been there once or twice, and the rest have never been.

They're nuts.

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