Wednesday 1 February 2012


It just isn't fair.

Last night at Jiu-Jitsu everything went just fine. No bumps. No bruises. Nothing bad at all.

Sat in my big chair the rest of the evening, then off to bed. I wake up with two injuries.

They must have happened at training, but I swear they didn't. One wrist and one ankle are sprained. Not badly, mind you, but the ankle is bad enough I taped it up for work today.

How stupid is that? Injured when I wasn't injured. Maybe they are sleep sprains.

I fear it's one of the joys of age.

The good news is that I do not train tonight, and therefore have a day to heal up. I'll tape up for training even if everything feels dandy. It will help protect the joints, remind me to be careful, and make people wary of hurting me.

Maybe I should wear a pre-emptive neck brace while I'm at it.

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