Friday 17 February 2012


There used to be many more male martial artists than female. In the 1980s and 1990s the ratio of male to female was easily 3-1 or more. My northern club produced 6 Black Belts, only one of which was a woman.

In Karate, this seems to have changed. There are still more male Black Belts than female, but the overall ratio of the membership is more like 50-50. Well, maybe 60-40. I find this a positive change.

In Jiu-jitsu, this isn't true. On a busy night we'll have about 25 people on the mat. Of these, exactly three are female. That's only just over 10-15%.

There are many reasons why this might be true. A club could keep women away with a nasty atmosphere. We have none of that. The lessons could emphasize strength-based techniques. None of that either. Maybe it's a lack of role models. Nope, two of our three females are Blue Belts, and very good.

If fact, if there were something wrong with the club or the instruction, one would expect more females to come and try, but leave soon after. Since I've been there, there have been no new female students at all. There have been about half a dozen new guys.

I can only assume it's the nature of the art itself. Let's see; grabbing, falling, throwing, rolling around, pinning people down, choking, close contact, sweat.....

Maybe that's it. Maybe those activities do not appeal to females in our culture. Or perhaps they do, but not in a mixed-gender class. I can't answer that.

The Gracies have come up with a special course for women's self defense. It is female only, and nowhere near as comprehensive as the main Blue Belt system. I commend them for trying to address a need. Sadly, they manage to do it in weirdly sexist way. Upon completion of the course, the graduates are awarded a Pink Belt. That's right, Pink.

It holds no standing in the White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black rank structure at all, although I'm sure a woman who earned one and then joined the mainstream classes would be allowed to wear her Pink instead of White. I wonder if she would do it.

It almost makes me want to take the course, just so I can officially get one. Sadly, I'm the "wrong gender", and am forbidden.

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