Saturday 18 February 2012


There were five of us there at the Saturday class. Two were Blue Belts who were doing the instructing and demonstrating. The other three were White Belts. This is more White Belts than I've seen at a weekend class.

One was a guy who can't come on the weeknights, and he was there getting a private lesson from a Blue Belt buddy.

That left two of us with one Blue instructor. It worked quite well.

We went through the all the standing and takedown techniques. There are about a dozen that we need to prepare for our exams. It was the set I've been hoping to do. Koko did a good job of correcting any mistakes Michael or I made. We did the sequence over and over.

It seemed like mere moments and the hour was over. We even went a little bit into overtime.

I am pretty confident on that part now. I need to do it more, but it makes sense.

Pity the other three technique sections are harder for me. Next week it will be mount techniques. It is the longest and most complicated of the four sequences.

Lot of brain work to go with the sweating and rolling around.

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