Wednesday 22 February 2012


I wonder if martial arts will be a bargain for me in the future. I'll be retired fairly soon, so let's compare it to a typical old-dude activity.

Martial arts versus golf.

Set of clubs versus gi. Golf clubs $500; add in a couple of hundred more for shoes, balls, and classy duds. Let's call it $700. Martial arts uniforms average about $125. Equipment advantage, martial arts.

Fees. No golf club membership would save money. Play two rounds of golf per week. Over $100 easy. That's $5200 a year. I do a lot of martial arts, and am paying monthly fees at two. Put that together for a year and it's about $1500, and I get to go 4 times a week. Double the fun for a third of the price. I could even throw in a private lesson once a week and is still way less money than golf.

I wonder how much I'd eat at the golf club. That would cost. The most I've spent on the way home from martial arts lately has been the price of a cup of Tim Horton's coco.

I understand the appeal of golf, but it bores me to tears.

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