Friday 10 February 2012

Hard Test

In a couple of months I'll be testing for my Blue Belt. This will be my first Jiu-Jitsu exam.

I've tested many times in Karate.

Failed only once, and passed that one on my second try.

They can be difficult to pass, but they are not really hard to do. The list of testing techniques is always clearly laid out. Students can memorize the sequence and practise the requirements well in advance.

Examiners are permitted to add anything they want to the test, but they only rarely do. Usually it is a single simple modification.

The tests are structured to be safe, and to tire but not exhaust the student.

Only once did I ever have a test that was difficult.

It was for my final level of Brown Belt. I was the club's instructor at that time. All of my students had completed their exams. As the only person my rank I went last and went alone. I completed all of my testing sections.

The examiner then called up all the other present Brown Belts. The examiner was a highly decorated tournament fighter, and wanted to see me spar.

I had to take on each of them in turn. When asked to fight on an exam, one cannot afford to make a bad showing, or to back down one inch. The sparring partners also cannot make a weak showing. It is a matter of honour.

It went well as I went through one guy after the other. After two or three, I was exhausted but could not slow even slightly. I kept going. I scored, and they scored, but I think I looked OK. When I faced the last guy, I pushed him, and scored on him, and then he blasted me in the face.

Sparring is supposed to be non-contact, which really means to hit hard enough to hurt without causing damage or bruising. I was knocked for a loop. I bled. I staggered. The fighting was immediately stopped.

I was more exhausted than in any tournament. I had fought half a dozen guys one after the other with no break. I was hit in the face hard enough to make my face feel distinctly off kilter. I was also sure I failed, as I hadn't completed the modified exam.

However, I had passed. It was my only difficult test.

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