Sunday 5 February 2012

A flat graph, thank goodness...

I have been wondering how my running and biking is doing in comparison to last year. Pulled out the old spreadsheet to have a little look.

Last year at this point I had biked 86km. The bike had been in the shop for part of January. This year she has been on the road much more, and I've clocked 192. Yay, me.

Last year I'd run 48km, which is the same as I've done this year. I'm actually a few hundred meters ahead. I also will be running today, which will put me well ahead of last year.

I find this very weird. I've been feeling all guilty about using the new car a few times instead of the bike, and it feels like I haven't run in ages. I have been assuming that I will be far behind my glowing 2011 combined total of over 4000km.

Looking at the actual numbers, maybe I will still make a decent showing. My highest mileage months are always the ones with warm and sunny weather. No reason to expect this to change.

So I'm racing myself. It won't be really fair as last year both Saturdays and Sundays were consistent run days for me. This year I won't be normally running on Saturdays at all, at least until I earn my Blue Belt in June. I have a training session to attend on those mornings, and running in addition might not be wise.

I find this all very inspiring. It had been seeming that running/biking was gonna drop off big time. It strangely hasn't.

And no need to let it go more than necessary.

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