Monday 6 January 2014

Day One

My first day of training with the Gracies is done.

The first class went from noon until 1:30. I got there nice and early. The front desk gave me a perky welcome, and explained everything very well. As expected, my first 30 days are free.

I got changed, and watched the last part of the White Belt session. There were 16 students, which is very respectable for a daytime class. By the time my group, called Master Cycle, took to the mat the place was packed. There were 40 training.

Rener Gracie was teaching. It was all wonderful stuff about the triangle choke. It was all focused on setup and control. We didn't even get to the choke part at all. The detail was magnificent.

After class I purchased clothing and sparring gloves I'll need for the days when we don't wear gis. Rushed back to share my excitement with Helen. While I was gone she started exploring the mega mall next to our hotel. She barely scratched the surface.

We headed down to the seaside, unfolded our collapsing bikes and rode up and down on the paved paths.

Back to another hour-and-a- half starting at 6:30pm. There were even more students in attendance. It was basically the same as the morning class. This will really help me to cement what I'm learning.

The last half hour was sparring. I had 4 partners. The first two were Blue Belts, and I was very pleased to find our abilities to be comparable. The third guy wore no belt, but he is something much higher than me. The last guy I got was a Purple Belt. He took it easy, and complimented me on my control. I liked that.

A great day, and I'm very bushed.

Tomorrow there are three classes, and we're going to Disneyland.

I'll be bushed again.

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