Sunday 19 January 2014


While waiting for our class to start a Purple Belt I'd worked with before asked me to be his partner. He's great to work with, and very fun. I always learn a lot when from him, and he seems to like me.

Class started, and we grabbed each other. It didn't last long. There were two Blues who were last to partner up. Alex, the instructor, broke my pair apart dictating who he wanted with whom.

So my new, Blue partner and I exchanged names. He added that this was his very first Master Cycle class. The last day he trained was his last day as a White Belt.

Holy cow. Back home a person's first Blue Belt class is no big deal. The rookie would be learning a single technique of the appropriate level. Here, they are facing several varied moves, ranging anywhere from easy to extremely advanced.

During the warmup period I hurriedly showed him a few things he'd need for the day's lesson. There were going to be a bunch of high-level collar chokes, and my guy had never done or seen a collar choke of any kind.

Then came the lessons. After every explanation and demo I'd go first, and my partner after. It all went well, and by the end his worried expression was  gone and he was having fun. I always have fun.

And I got to work with my Purple Belt in the very next class.

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