Wednesday 15 January 2014

Exactly what?

So just what have I been learning at the Gracie Academy?

Well, the first week was all the triangle choke, or things leading up to it, or the triangle as a control position, or other submissions off of the triangle choke.

This week it has been harder for me.

Back home we closely follow the Gracie University lesson sequence. Here they do not. A lot of the stuff we've been up to recently is brand spanking new to me.

Omaplata I've known of, but hadn't done until now.

Same for arm triangles, and certainly not from the bottom.

There have also been some very unconventional collar chokes.

One technique variation ended with an anaconda choke. I did it, but couldn't show you now for the life of me.

There was even a momentary x-guard. I'd never even heard of an x-guard.

I didn't know it was possible to do a guillotine from the guard. The things they've thought of.

Last week I was trying to learn entire sequences. This week I'm hoping to glean single movements from within sequences, and make them part of my repertoire.

After Saturday, there is one more week of guard submissions before we move on.

Then it's counter moves to all of the above.

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