Sunday 12 January 2014


Helen keeps trying to make me eat more. She's scared that all the training, coupled with our other high-activity stuff, will wear me down to a skeleton. Today when I got back from training she had a sausage and two pieces of peanut butter toast she'd collected from the breakfast bar. I wasn't hungry at all, but ate half.

Food here is ridiculously inexpensive, yummy, and the portions big. It's no wonder the average size of people is pretty large.

I suppose it would have been a good idea to bring my Fitbit scale along with us. If it were here, I'd be able to keep a very accurate measure going regarding any weight loss or gain. There is a scale at the academy, but it is on carpet and is a type that doesn't work well without a hard floor.

Nothing has gotten hurt training, but there must be a hundred little bruises and scrapes all over my body.

My hands get really tired, especially on the right side. It feels like I've been doing a lot of hammering or wood chopping.

My neck is pretty stiff this morning, but not from Jiu-Jitsu. We were at Disneyland watching the fireworks and things started to feel funny from all the looking upwards. Another old guy injury. Neck hurt from looking up too long.

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