Tuesday 13 March 2012

Sweet September

Helen and I used to do vacations during the week of Spring Break. They were lovely, but not really cost effective. We only have so many holiday dollars to spend, and can get more bang for our buck by doing our travelling in the summer.

Instead of going for a week, we for longer periods.

We have been summer travellers.

Now that his changing again. After this summer I will be entering my last year before retirement. The following summer we won't travel much at all, will and move our holiday to September.

Travel in September is a dream to this old teacher. Rates drop, and crowds vanish. It has long been Helen's dream to head out on the first day of the school year. They go back to work and we go play.

We will do it.

I don't know where we will go that first September.

It could be California. That is always a trip we enjoy. We have driven there many times. I'll be ready to visit San Francisco, and the LA area. Tacking on Las Vegas works nicely, too.

Maybe it will be Florida. Just today Helen said she loves Florida and whenever we go there she feels that she could live there. That's quite an endorsement. I like the feel of Miami Beach a lot, and love Disneyworld in Central Florida.

Maybe something more exotic. We've only barely scratched the surface of Europe. I've always wanted to do it properly.

Or somewhere else.

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