Saturday 3 March 2012

Gold watch

I'll soon have the new Karate club up and running, and shortly after that I'll earn my Jiu-Jitsu Blue Belt.

My week will start filling right up.

Saturday is the Queen of the week. I'll have a Jiu-Jitsu reflex class at 9:00am, and then a Blue Belt test from 10:00-11:00. There will be a half hour drive home, and time for lunch and then an hour of Karate.

Sunday will be restful.

Monday contains an hour and a quarter of Karate.

Tuesday two, one-hour Jiu-Jitsu classes

Wednesday is free.

Thursday two hours of Jiu-Jitsu, just like Tuesday.

Friday is free.

That adds up to 8 classes a week.

This might be quite a lot while I'm still holding down my high-school teaching job. The cool thing is it's my last year before retirement.

Retired people need lots of fun to fill their time.

Starting a new Karate club now is also clever timing another way. It gives me a year and a half to get the students all ready for my retirement, too.

I'll be starting out with a couple of Yellow Belts, and a Brown Belt who has been off for a decade or so.

Let's just look at the Yellows for a minute. By summer, they will be Orange Belts. By Christmas, Greens. By next year at this time, Blue. By the time I'm retired they will be Purple Belts.

If I go away for some sweet vacation after that, can they take over for a month or so? You betcha, and that's not even considering the Brown Belt.

By the time I retire there will be a club with a fabulous instructor (me) that contains plenty of people able to take over short-term.

I am also toying with the idea of having weekday daytime classes for retired people. Of course, this will occur after I'm retired as well.

I'm going to be one busy, kicking, punching and rasslin' fool.

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