Sunday 4 March 2012

My Kinda Fun

The Japan Karate Association is the largest single-style martial arts group in the world.

My new club will be a teensy branch of that massive body. In this province we will be one of seven dojos.

The style is Shotokan. In Japan it is by far the most practised style. It is taught to millions of public school kids, and has become a major part of the university system.

It is a beautiful art. If it were a part of the dance world, it would be ballet. Tall posture, long movements, and extreme precision. No tutus, though.

We wear white, bound with snazzy belts. The colour denotes the rank. Mine is boring old black.

Now that I'll be called Sensei again I'll stop trying to blend in with the other Black Belts. I shall put my shiny rookie belt aside, and wear my old beat up one. A significant percentage of the black has worn away to frazzles.

My club will emphasize precise Shotokan appropriate to the person's physical condition. Several of us are not spring chickens, and some have injuries that would not fare well in a traditional class. We shall modify, and move more slowly, but also with more precision.

We will welcome outsiders, and I will encourage students to train outside of Shotokan if they wish. I will support weapons training, and tournament participation for those so inclined.

I have some coloured belts who need to test soon, and will we address that. There will also be a Brown Belt who has been way for years. She has a health issue or two, and I'm sure she will be content for a while to work on recovering her skills. We will address this, too.

Beginners are critical to any healthy club, but they normally throw a monkey wrench into the progress of their seniors. I think I've figured out ways around this. We might have none, but if we do we shall handle it. I certainly want new people to come and feel welcome.

It should be fun.

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