Tuesday 27 March 2012


Back at it in Jiu-Jitsu. Tonight I had a week of rust to work off, which really isn't anything.

There were only about ten people present, which is less than usual. I got to work with a few of the folks I don't usually get partnered with.

The instructor chatted with me a bit about my new Karate Club. He is very supportive and sees this as a plus and not as competition. I agree, but sometimes people get funny ideas.

I have a private lesson booked for tomorrow to polish stuff up. I plan on one of these sessions weekly for a while. I have my eye on starting my test in the middle of May.

I've also noticed something about people my age. I cannot imagine them doing Jiu-Jitsu training without getting badly hurt. I am able to roll around with the young folks. I am careful, but even so. I attribute this to my long-time Karate training and my wrestling experience. I also run and bike a lot. I'd claim it is keeping me magically young, but that's not what I see in the mirror. All I see in there is a bald, wrinkly, devilishly-handsome old dude.

I wonder if I've jinxed myself now and will get broken next class.

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