Saturday 9 April 2011

Even Older

I’m trying to plan a life here. A life? More like a retirement.

I turn 55 this June, and could go then. My pension would be really small, as I’ve only been a school teacher for about 20 years, having started late. I figger I’ll hang on about 2 more years to fluff up the money a bit.

Physical activity is important, so I’m running, biking, and doing Karate. How long can I count on doing these things?

Don’t think I’ll be running or biking into my 80’s. Might still be able to be involved with Karate. Maybe the running/biking could evolve into walking. I hate walking, but what can ya do?

Maybe I’ll still be running and biking into my 70’s. That would be cool.

For the first part of my retirement, I know I’ll be more fit than I am now. Throughout my lovely teacher summers, I run every day. When I work, I just can’t do it. Prediction: I’ll be running every day.

I’d also like to do some multi-day bike rides. Might try this, too, after my workdays are done.

Travel is fun. Helen and I have done a fair bit, and would like to do more. Off season sounds like heaven to me. One of my favorite travel things lately has been going for early morning runs up and down the strip in Vegas. I sometimes think about runs that could be done in other fabulous places we’ve visited. Running the Ringstrasse in Vienna, followed by a fancy coffee and piece of strudel. Beat that.

Karate late in live might be interesting. Have to move slower, and not push. As I don’t plan on ever testing again, I might beat some kind of record for length of time at first degree (Shodan). I got it when I was 30, and if I can stay active into my 80’s I could end up a 50 year first degree.

I will be bowing to second and third dans who are not even born yet. That will be a kick.

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