Thursday 7 April 2011

Bike Every Day

I ride my dandy, Giant-brand, electric bike to work every day. I use it on the setting which makes me do 2/3 of the work, and the batteries the rest.

We've had no real snow or frost this year, so weather hasn't cost me a single ride, although sometimes I arrive soaked to the skin. There are extra clothes stashed at work for this eventuality.

There is no pleasure riding through the early morning black of winter, but April is a time of real pleasure. Rain lessens, skies clear, and sunrise is earlier. May and June loom ahead. Goody.

My route starts with a mile-long downhill, then a similar length flat, and finally a massive uphill. It's the same shape coming home. In the mornings, the big downhill aims me right into the early sunshine. A stunning view of the ocean hovers off to my right. This sets my mood for the entire day.

5k to work, and 5k back. I polish off 2000k a year this way. We are able to manage with only one car. Ever figure out how much a car really costs to run? It's frightening. June will be the second anniversary of my riding. If I can do it until I retire, it will be four years in total. Might break down and get a four-wheeler, but I'm fighting it.

I get a kick out of all the real bike riders out there. Seems fashion is a big part of it. My attire would horrify a serious rider. Most of it is jeans and old fuzzy jackets.

No Spandex in sight.

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