Wednesday 7 September 2011

Work is killing me?

Working is bad for my health, or at least my fitness.

In the two summer months, I biked 313km, and ran 521km.

During the work year, I bike to work. This comes out to about 50km per week. I try and run 10km on the weekends. The comparative rate for a week of summer training is 35km on the bike and 58km on foot.

I bike a little more now, but run a heck of a lot less. I run less than one fifth of my summer rate. I ran almost as much every day in the summer as I now run all week.

Just don't have the gas in my tank to keep it up when working.

If I were a man of leisure, I'd stay at my holiday rate.

I averaged about 1.5 Karate classes per week in the summer. Through the year, I go to two per week. That’s pretty close to even.

I eat better at home, in the sense of healthy. I eat a lot of restaurant meals when on holiday, and we spent a week gorging on a cruise. No cruise food at home. Portions get normal sized again. My weight is currently up, but it will start crawling down again. Funny how gaining is fast, but loss is always very slow.

I figure I’ll get slightly less fit, but will still lose weight do to controlled eating.

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