Monday 5 September 2011

Always beginning

I was playing with my iPad, using an app called Stumbleupon. You put in a bunch of your interests, and it finds you random things on the internet that kinda match.

It brought me to a page of martial arts quotes. Lots of pseudo-deep, Asian-sounding fluff. Saw one near the bottom of the screen I’ve always liked from somebody I respect.

   It’s just a job.
   Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand.
   I beat people up.
               Muhammad Ali
This lead me to scroll down through the fluff. Found one that actually made me think. I don't know who the author is.

   All martial artists are beginners.
   Some of us have just been beginning longer.
               J R West

Story of my Karate career, or what? Started in 1981 as a beginner. Earned my first belt....and the club folded. A new club started the next year, and I was a beginner again.
Each time a student earns a new belt, they start over with a new set of information and Katas to learn. Beginner.
Get to Black Belt. More new stuff to learn. A lot more. One compares oneself to more experienced Black Belts and sees how little one knows. Beginner.

Been a Black Belt for decades. Always more to learn. Different Katas, different versions of known Katas, applications for techniques, new techniques, refereeing courses, coaching courses, first-aid courses...

Expert? Not even close, and I've been a Black Belt for 25 years.

Just an old beginner....

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