Thursday 15 September 2011

How long?

So how long does it take to get a Black Belt?

Well, that would depend on the standards and regulations of the art and association involved.

I can only really speak to what it's like in the kind of Karate I am involved with.

The absolute minimum time would be 3 years. There are mandated time periods between each exam, and that must be time with regular training throughout.

This, of course, assumes passing every test with the minimum allowed training time between. Failed exams mean it would take significantly longer. It also assumes no extended vacations, injuries, or significant other commitments.

It also assumes that exam opportunities are available precisely when the student needs them. Black Belt exams almost never happen when wanted.

Fat chance on all of that. I tested as quickly as possible within the rules. No time missed from training either. I passed all my coloured belt exams, and went for my Black Belt after 3 years and 6 months of training.

Failed that one, passing on my second attempt. This got me Black Belt after a total of 4 years and 1 month.

This is much shorter than most folks, but longer than some.

I figured all this out so I could accurately answer student's questions.

If I hadn't been pressured to progress quickly, I would have taken significantly longer. I bet I would have taken double time on all three levels of Brown Belt. Maybe would have waited a year between Brown and Black.

Other martial arts have significantly different requirements. I have met people with Black Belts assigned by a major international Taekwondo association who had only a little over one year of training. They used to bet pushed around in sparring by the Green Belts.

Other groups insist on significantly more training than my group does.

Black Belt doesn't mean just one thing.

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