Monday 19 September 2011

Cold....and wet....

The first half dozen years that a ran, I was a real whimp. I would only run in the spring and summer. I hated running in crappy weather, and so didn't do it.

Over the years, I ran deeper and deeper into the cold, rainy months.

Now, I'm a year-round runner. In July and August, I run 30km per week. The rest of the year I only shoot for 10km, but this is work-exhaustion related and not due to weather.

I hope I can keep it up again this winter. It is nasty that that the older I get, the less I can tolerate crappy weather running.

It's only been cold and wet a couple of run days this month, but already the wet is winter-cold, and not summer-pleasant. I don't mind rain runs in the summer at all.

I live in a lovely place, but grey skies, low clouds, cold weather, and drizzle often go together. It's like running through a mass of grumpy sadness, or maybe its sad grumpiness.

I'll certainly be fine if I stop running when it gets colder, but I don't want to do that. My running is a source of pride. I'll feel bad if I stop.

It's a puzzlement. Run in the cold, and hate it, or quit running and hate the quitting.

The only solution seems to be warm and sunny weather year round.

I wonder who I have to contact to arrange that.

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