Wednesday 21 September 2011

Learn, baby....

Let's get something straight. I love learning new stuff.

Take martial arts. My thing is Karate, and I'm quite at home and happy there.

Do I stick to the straight and narrow? Nope.

I've taken Tai Chi, Iado, fencing, other Karate styles, and become a wrestling coach.

Right now, I run. I enjoy running, but I don't learn anything. I ride my bike, and that's also not a learning thing either. I'm also in Karate, and although I enjoy the training, there's nothing new. I've been to a few Karate seminars in the last year, and picked up tons. I enjoy that, but they are few and far between.

In the town next to mine, there is a Ju Jitsu club. They are offering a two-week free trial. I contacted the instructor by email, and tomorrow I start my intro period.

Maybe I'll love it, and become a regular. That's the upside. But what is the worst that could happen? Nothing.

One of the big holes in Karate training is that it is definitely a stand-up art. Ju Jitsu sucks as a striking style, but is totally throw-and-wrestle oriented. My wrestling experience makes me feel at home on the ground, but I'm not good at it. This could be a perfect fit. I can only go once per week, which might be perfect for my age.

Old guys need more healing time.

Even ones who are learning new things.

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