Saturday 29 September 2012

Tiny bits

It was the first class of the new season in Karate. I've been advertising a little bit trying to get some new beginners. Some people had expressed interest but you never know until the day of the first class.

There were two new people. It was a father and his son. I spent the entire one hour class with them.

My style of teaching has changed. I've taken a leaf out of the Jiu-Jitsu club's book. I broke every movement down into tiny little parts.

No detailed explanations of why just detailed explanations of how. Then I drilled them over and over. At that point I gave a minimal explanation of why.

They practiced the basic punch, front kick, front stance, and lower block. Nothing else. That's only four things.

At the end they both seemed very enthusiastic, and I been having fun, too.

I wonder if they'll come back.

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