Friday 7 September 2012

Burn it

Today is Friday, and it's the end of my first week back at training.

I taught a Karate class on Saturday.

There were two hours of Jiu-Jitsu on Tuesday, Wednesday and on Thursday.

Tonight it was "open mat" at Jiu-Jitsu. This means that anybody that comes can use the facility to do whatever they want. I spent it mostly rolling with people.

Tomorrow is Satuday again and it starts again.

It is all fun, great exercise, and burns tons of calories.

This week I started my effort to get my weight down from holiday level and back to normal. My goal was to lose 2 pounds due to exercise and diet, but would have been happy with 1.

In actuality, I've lost five. My only problem is that I've been training so much that I've been having a hard time getting enough calories.

I record it all with an ap on my iPad. Several times it's warned me to eat more to prevent my body from going into starvation mode.

If it weren't for the workouts this wouldn't be an issue. I would be finding myself with the opposite problem of needing to eat less than I want.

Once I've reached my long-term weight goal it will be back to free-eating. I'll get plenty of food. I shall continue monitoring the scales and maintaining my chosen weight.

My advice to anyone wanting to shed pounds would be to find a highly physical activity you enjoy and to go nuts with it. You'll probably be able to eat lots of yummy food, within reason.

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